Adult Tobacco Use

Tobacco use is a preventable cause of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancers, respiratory diseases, and high blood pressure in the United States (USDHHS, 2014). Chronic diseases are leading causes of death and sickness in the United States and Wyoming. In 2016, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases were the first, second, and fourth leading causes of death in Wyoming, respectively (CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2017).

Wyoming Young Adult Tobacco Survey

The Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC), under contract to the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division, conducted a survey of young adults aged 18 to 25. The survey measured attitudes and behaviors of young adults in Wyoming related to tobacco use. Key findings from the survey include the following:

Wyoming Quit Tobacco Program Follow-Up Survey

The Wyoming Quit Tobacco Program (WQTP) assists enrollees in their efforts to quit using tobacco products by offering free coaching support, free nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), and free or reduced-price prescription (Rx) medications. Under contract to the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division, the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) at the University of Wyoming conducts monthly surveys of WQTP enrollees to assess quit rates and enrollee satisfaction.