
Albany County’s adult smoking rate was lower than in most counties. Its adult vaping rate was higher than most counties.*

Too few high school students participated in the 2022 Prevention Needs Assessment to report high school smoking or vaping rates.**

Most adults supported tobacco-free schools and smokefree indoor air policies in workplaces, restaurants, and bars.

The secondhand smoke exposure rates at work (indoors or outdoors) and in indoor public places were in the middle of counties. The secondhand smoke exposure rates in outdoor public places and in public places overall were higher than in most counties.

Most adults supported a cigarette tax increase.***

Key Indicators

Smoking Rates

Vaping Rates

Support for Tobacco-Free Schools

Percentage of adults who support completely banning tobacco use on school grounds


Smokefree Policies

Percentage of adults who think smoking should never be allowed in the indoor areas at...

Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Public Places

Percentage of adults who had been exposed to someone else’s smoke in indoor or outdoor public places in the past seven days

Secondhand Smoke Exposure at Work

Percentage of adults who had been exposed to someone else’s smoke at their workplace (indoors or outdoors) in the past seven days


Cigarette Taxes

Percentage of adults who supported a tax increase on a pack of cigarettes based on 2019 and 2021 data (combined)


NOTES: Charts display data when the sample size is at least 50. Variables with less than 50 respondents display no bar and no data.

The question about support for a tax increase on a pack of cigarettes changed between 2021 and 2023. This estimate will be updated when 2025 data are available.

* WYSAC calculated these values using a data file combining answers to the 2021 and 2023 Adult Tobacco Survey.

** These estimates are from the 2022 Prevention Needs Assessment. Other estimates are available at this link: Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment.

*** Because of changes to the 2023 survey, this estimate is from a data file with combined 2019 and 2021 Adult Tobacco Survey responses.