Use and Consumption of Cigarettes
Use and Consumption
Smoking Status
Most adults (60%) have never been regular smokers. That is, they have not smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS) responses are divided into four key categories of smoking status, described in Table 2. In 2019, 13% of adults were current smokers. About one quarter (27%) of adults were former smokers and about one third (34%) were experimental smokers. About one quarter (26%) of all adults have never smoked or even tried smoking (Figure 14).
Cigarette Use Over Time
Cigarette smoking was less common in 2019 than it had been recently in Wyoming. In 2006, 21% of Wyoming adults smoked—a recent peak. Since then, the smoking rate has dropped significantly to 13% (Figure 15).
All Tobacco Products (Including ENDS)
Despite the decline in smoking, cigarettes remain the preferred tobacco product for adults in Wyoming (Figure 16).
The use of ENDS and chewing tobacco were about the same in 2019 as they were in 2017. ENDS use stayed at 6% and chewing tobacco use increased slightly to 10% of adults reporting current use. Use of these products has not changed significantly since 2010 when comparable questions were first asked.
Cigarettes and chewing tobacco remain the most commonly used types of tobacco for adults. ENDS are not as frequently used as cigarettes or smokeless tobacco in the adult population but are still a subject of concern for youth and young adults.