Reports | 02.03.2017

Wyoming Young Adult Tobacco Survey


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WYSAC. (2010). Literature review of young adult smoking initiation, by N. M. Nelson, K. S. Freedman, & L. L. Feldman. (WYSAC Technical Report No. GROUP-1002). Laramie, WY: Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center, University of Wyoming.

WYSAC. (2011). Results of focus groups on young adult smoking initiation, 2011 by K.S. Freedman, & L.L. Feldman (WYSAC Technical Report No. CHES-1107). Laramie, WY: Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center, University of Wyoming.

WYSAC. (2014). Report on the 2012 Wyoming Adult Tobacco Survey, by M. Kato, L. H. Despain & T. Comer Cook. (WYSAC Technical Report No. CHES-1408). Laramie, WY: Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center, University of Wyoming.

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Appendix: Demographics