Reports | 02.03.2017

Wyoming Young Adult Tobacco Survey


While 18% of young adults in Wyoming currently smoke cigarettes, 86% of current smokers have made at least one quit attempt in the past year. The majority of former smokers (55%) and experimental smokers (65%) last smoked more than six months ago.

Perceptions of Social Norms

The majority of young adults (66%) disagreed that smoking is socially acceptable (Figure 6). However, this means that more than one third agreed that smoking is socially acceptable.

Compared to young men, young women were significantly more likely to disagree that smoking is socially acceptable. In all, 74% of young women disagreed, either strongly or somewhat, that smoking is socially acceptable, compared to 58% of young men.

Those who had never smoked, not even a puff, were significantly more likely to disagree that smoking is socially acceptable, compared to those who have smoked (Figure 7). Very few, including just 11% of current smokers, strongly agreed that smoking is socially acceptable.

Social Acceptability among Close Friends

Most young adults in Wyoming (64%) disagreed that smoking is socially acceptable among their close friends (Figure 8).

Three groups were significantly more likely to disagree that smoking is socially acceptable among their close friends: young women (compared to young men), never smokers (compared to current, former, and experimental smokers), and those not attending school (compared to those attending school; Figure 9).

Social Acceptability among Family

Most young adults in Wyoming (67%) disagreed that smoking is socially acceptable among family (Figure 10). Two groups were significantly more likely to disagree that smoking is socially acceptable among family: young women (compared to young men), and never smokers (compared to current, former and experimental smokers; Figure 11).

Perceptions of Risk


Smoking Cigarettes Every Day

Almost all young adults in Wyoming (95%) think people their age put themselves at great or moderate risk if they smoke cigarettes every day (Figure 12).

Three groups were more likely to perceive great risk in daily cigarette smoking: young women (compared to young men), never smokers (compared to current, former, and experimental smokers), and those attending school (compared to those not attending school; Figure 13).

Smoking Cigarettes Occasionally

The majority of young adults in Wyoming (78%) think people their age put themselves at great or moderate risk if they smoke cigarettes occasionally, like in social settings (Figure 14).


Two groups were more likely to perceive great risk in occasional cigarette smoking: young women (compared to young men) and never smokers (compared to current, former, and experimental smokers; Figure 15).

Smoking While Pregnant

Almost all young adults in Wyoming (97%) think that a woman who smokes while pregnant puts her developing infant at great or moderate risk of health problems (Figure 16). Never smokers were more likely to perceive great risk, compared to current, former, and experimental smokers.

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)

Using ENDS Every Day

Fewer young adults in Wyoming see great or moderate risk in daily ENDS use than every day cigarette use. Still, the majority of young adults in Wyoming (70%) think people their age put themselves at great or moderate risk if they use e-cigarettes or vape every day (Figure 17).

Two groups were more likely to perceive great risk in every day ENDS use: young women (compared to young men) and never smokers (compared to current, former, and experimental smokers; Figure 18).

Using ENDS Occasionally

Fewer young adults in Wyoming see great or moderate risk in occasional ENDS use than in occasional cigarette use. Just over half of young adults in Wyoming (55%) thought people their age put themselves at great or moderate risk if they smoke e-cigarettes or vape occasionally, like in social settings (Figure 19). Young women were significantly more likely to perceive great risk with occasional ENDS use than young men.