Evaluation of the 2023 North Dakota Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success

The 2023 North Dakota Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) Evaluation and Data Technical Assistance Project is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered in collaboration with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services. The Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) at the University of Wyoming serves as the independent evaluator and data analyst for the project, tasked with assessing performance and providing technical assistance around data to the state and funded communities.
This initiative aims to reduce alcohol misuse and its consequences among underserved populations, including college students, active-duty military personnel, and children of parents with mental illness (COPMI). Using SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), the project builds prevention capacity supporting up to five subrecipient communities that will implement evidence-based strategies tailored to local needs.
WYSAC’s evaluation plan includes both process and outcome assessments, focusing on the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and their impact on substance use behaviors and health outcomes. Data collection efforts will utilize surveys such as the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and National College Health Assessment (NCHA), along with administrative data sources like alcohol-related crime and vehicle crash reports. The evaluation results will guide ongoing prevention efforts and ensure alignment with state objectives and SAMHSA’s national prevention goals.